Toast list for Craft Lodges
2. The Most Worshipful The Grand Master - HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE DUKE OF KENT. KG, GCMG, GCVO, ADC
3. The Most Worshipful Pro Grand Master - JONATHAN SPENCE
The Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master - Sir MICHAEL SNYDER
The Right Worshipful Assistant Grand Master - DAVID MEDLOCK
The Right Worshipful Assistant Grand Master - STEVEN VARLEY
and the rest of the Grand Officers, Present and Past.
Please note the toast is to Grand Officers and not to Grand Lodge
4. The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master -JOHN REID
5. The Deputy Provincial Grand Master - Very Worshipful Brother SIMON LEIGHFIELD
The Assistant Provincial Grand Master - Worshipful Brother PHIL STILL
and the rest of the Provincial Grand Officers, and holders of London and District rank - Present and Past.
6. The Worshipful Master
7. The Immediate Past Master, or Installing Master
8. The Initiate (if applicable)
9. The Visiting Brethren
10. The Officers of the Lodge
11. The Tyler's Toast
The Toast to Absent Brethren, if given, may not take precedence before the toasts to The King and the Craft, and the MW The Grand Master.
While always shown on the Toast list, honorifics (as shown in italics) are not mentioned when proposing the toast.
Due to the need for members of the Provincial Team to travel considerable lengths, it is sometimes requested that arrangements are made to enable them to leave the Festive Board prior to the toast to the visiting Brethren. The Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies will advise.