The Preceptors Notebook
(OED) 1440 A.D. from Latin praeceptor
one who instructs, a teacher, a tutor, a mentor
From Anglo-Norman French oratour
a public speaker, especially one who is eloquent or skilled.
On this page you can read a selection of items covering many Masonic subjects which may be of general interest.
Contributing editors WBro Michael Lee a former Preceptor in Stonehenge Lodge No.6114 and WBro Des Morgan.
The views and opinions expressed are entirely those of the contributing editors.

Premier Grand Lodge - but why in 1717

Sharing the word

Why "So mote it be?"

Who was Tubal Cain?

Pythagoras - whats he got to with Freemasonry?

What is charity?

What is Freemasonry?

The wand of your office..

Does it matter?

Our friends across the channel

What are they?

A help to understand them....

A help to understand them....

so..what is a Lewis?...

The Operative Mason (part two)...

The Operative Mason (part one)...

Finally...she teaches us how to die. examiner!

Why White Gloves?

Heavens Above.


Thumb up or down......

Emulation our ritual....

Just Visiting....

Wessx white horses....

Soon to be Master.....

Man proposes but the ......

Be on your metal......

I appoint you my...

Honorary Member - really..

The gift of gving..

A Regular Guy

Let brotherly Love ever......

From Time Immemorial

The cement which binds

exchange the sceptre........

She finally instructs you how to die.........

Symbolism, Cathedrals and Freemasons

Quiet reflections on the obligation

Charity isn't just about money!
This space is reserved for another article from the Preceptors Notebook.
If you wish to contribute to the series, send your article to the editor.

Masonic words....