Guidance for the Lodge Director of Ceremonies


The Director of Ceremonies is not a regular Officer of the Lodge (Rule 104 BofC.) and there is no obligation to appoint one.  However, I am delighted that every Lodge in Wiltshire does appoint and invest a  Director of Ceremonies.  He should see that the ceremonies proceed smoothly, ensure that ceremonial within the Lodge is carried out in a dignified manner and to the highest standard possible.    He should also be tactful, and above all he should set the tone of the Lodge by his own example.  The role of the Director of Ceremonies in supporting the Brethren of the Lodge in both the Lodge Room and the Dining Room cannot be overstated..


The private (or particular) Lodge is able to practice its own ritual traditions provided they are consistent with the general laws and regulations of the Craft (Rule 155 BoC) including the content of Information For The Guidance Of Members Of The Craft. 


However, when either the PrGM, the DPrGM or APrGM are present in an official capacity, and the Provincial Grand DC or one of his Deputies or Assistants is officiating there is a requirement that Provincial protocols take precedence and are adhered to - both ceremonial and in the Dining Room. 


For many years it has been accepted that if Freemasonry is to attract and retain members it must provide an enjoyable experience.  You may recall the words of the Past Pro Grand Master sometime ago when he said “…it is not a capital offence to smile during a Masonic meeting”. 


He did also go onto say “don’t make it a pantomime” which comment emphasises the serious aspect of what we do. 


